Coal mining in Indonesia
Indonesia had 2009 coal production of 252.47 million tonnes, 4.55% of the world total. The world’s major producers are China, the USA, India, Australia, Russia, Indonesia and South Africa.
Indonesian coal production has increased in recent years, and Indonesia is currently the world’s third largest exporter of steaming coal (after Australia and China). Most of Indonesia’s coal reserves are situated in Sumatra in the south, with the balance located in Kalimantan, West Java, and Sulawesi. Coal quality varies, with lower grade lignite (59%), sub bituminous (27%) and high grade bituminous and anthracite (14%).
Coal mining & coal mining equipment
There are four main types of coal mines: shaft mine, slope mine, drifts mine, and surface (open-cast) mine. The mine at Coal wood was a shaft mine; the coal was brought up in an elevator from 600 to 800 feet underground.
Mining equipment to concentrate coal is selected considering three aspects: properties of minerals in the deposit, kind of separation process, and requirements of production. The flowsheet chosen for every coal ore should be depending on the type of separation method more effective. In order to do this will be essential to consider the characteristics with the final product, economical aspects relying on the coal content, size the mill, and site.
Coal mill machine
No matter mining methods, after coal arrives from the ground, it typically continues on a conveyor belt to some preparation plant that is located at the mining site. The plant cleans and processes coal to remove other rocks and dirt, ash, sulfur, and unwanted materials, helping the heating worth of the coal. The most popular coal mining equipment using within this plant is washing machine.
General, so that you can raise the heating value of the coal, we usually make coal into powder through crushing and grinding process. Within this process, we use coal crushing plant to crush coal into small size. In coal crushing plant, jaw crusher is primary crusher, then impact crusher is secondary crusher, the last crusher is cone crusher. In coal grinding process, which coal mining equipments is normally used ball mill, vertical mill, and ultrafine grinding mill.